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Made of biodegradable synthetic base oil designed for air-pressure hydraulic hammers and air hammers. This paste protects up to 1100°C, ensures optimum protection against wear and also paste it prevents seizing of the chisel.

Bardahl Meisselpaste has the following properties: Optimum lubricating and releasing effect in the high pressure range. Excellent adhesive power. Excellent water and corrosion resistant. Excellent protection against corrosion gases and liquids. Excellent heat transfer. Prevents seizing of the chisel. Reduces wear by 25%. Biodegradable oil base. Free of sulfur, lead and nickel. Ideal replacement for lead and nickel pastes. Suitable for weights up to 6000kg hammer. Applications: Bardahl Meisselpaste should be used for buses to wear in air and hydraulic hammers brands such as Krupp, Indeco, Rammer, Montabert.

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Productsheet_74700-EN SDS_74705_Meisselpasta_EU_GB-EN_1.1