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BLUE DYE TRACER is a blue dye approved by INS H1 for use in the food industry.

Blue Dye Tracer consists of a dispersion of blue pigment into highly pure mineral oil. Meets the approval of the EC on dyes in contact with food products (AP 89Resolution) Properties Blue Dye Tracer is a blue dye approved by InS H1 for use in the food industry. Can detect and locate accidental leakages of translucent lubricating oils in the food and harmaceutical industry (hydraulic systems, reducers,…) Meets the EC approval on dyes in contact with food products (Resolution AP(89)1).


    • No smell and taste.
    • Chemical and biological inertness.
    • Total safety for human.
    • Resistance to oxidation and rancidity.
    • Hydrophobic.
Aspect Visual Dark blue Density D 1298 0,85 Viscosity at 40°C NFT 60-100 31,9 mm²/s Viscosity at 20°C NFT 60-100 87 mm²/s

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Productsheet 32570GB SDS_2570_Blue Dye Tracer
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